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Saturday, 11 September 2010

Inception (2010)



Very well thought out and well imagined, it had the deepest plot since The Matrix. It went overboard with special effects, but it didn't matter with the amount of plot. I really had to think while I was watching it, but the fascinating idea of it kept me perplexed for days after the movie. Bottom line is, if you're going to watch this movie, expect to devote your whole day to it. As it gives you a headache from thinking too much while watching it, and it will keep you thinking for a while even after it ends.


  1. Heard it was good. hope to watch soon :)

  2. i actually like the youtube trailer for "inebriation" better

  3. loved this movie, loved the music even more. hate the ad that takes up the entire page though :P lol

  4. These days, Hollywood doesn't attempt to challenge it's audiences too often. It's refreshing to experience something like this. One of the best movies I've seen.

  5. thrown in weirdly, doesnt make sense at the start really, its supposed to be a really good movie but I never watched the whole thing x]

  6. this is sweeet and yeah i agree with u

  7. Loved this movie. Getting it on DVD when it comes out so I can watch it again with my girlfriend.

  8. I loved this movie. This have to be the best movie of the year.

  9. most amazing movie of the year... i want to be in a deep dream like that

  10. daily support ! <3

  11. loved that movie!

  12. Still haven't seen this but wish I had. Everyone's been raving about it.
